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start [2012/11/06 18:07]
v.yuzhanin [Лекция 4. Числа с плавающей точкой]
start [2014/03/26 00:13]
blairsaprxnel This is simply a profile site. I hope it's ok.
Строка 1: Строка 1:
-===== Микропроцессоры в системах автоматизации 2012 =====+Online discount pharmacies really are a boon in case you want to make the best use of internet as well as comforts. If so, you may become a pharmacist and work for a 24-hour pharmacy including Walgreen'​s. The medicinal virtues of roots will often  [[http://​mobic-online-no-prescription-overnightgxs.soup.io/​|cheap mobic cheap at Washington]] be found of their alkaloid content, which dissolves quite slowly into water.
 +http://​media5.picsearch.com/​is?​0p_ckwTK93ZREPJd5Fgz91JKkf0bcMe_97yChfYVVu8&​height=217 ' Healthcare and hospitals are certainly one area that does well. A number of pharmacies always take a long time, even if you happen to be waiting.  ​
-==== Лекция 1Вводная ====+Click on the '​Contact Us' prompt in the top right hand corner in the Drugs - For - CostSome fields, like journalism, require constant intensive writing attending school and inside the field. The generic prescription medication is the medicine that's working inside similar way with the identical strength, power; dose, healing capacity etc will be the same. Medical scientists research human diseases and conditions to further the knowledge of life processes and organisms including bacteria, virus, and other infectious agents, and thereby improve human health. 'The pharmacy should offer the full range of prescription pharmaceuticals.  ​
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​49693735|часть 1]][[https://​vimeo.com/​49693736|часть 2]]+They'​re called as Licensed Pharmacy Professionals (CPh - T)Next time you head to have a prescription filledbe sure you be patient with the technicianThe direct link was established when researchers found highest incidence of bone metastases from the first year of patients developing breast cancer, in particular those suffering from metastatic breast cancers. Their mission is to deliver a high-quality and affordable distant learning education. By taking medicine online, you are able to buy products at the very low price rate without paying for any extra travel costs.  ​
-==== Лекция 2Позиционные системы счисления ====+Until recently, I tended to be loyal to one particular drugstore chain, for no apparent reason in addition to that was the chain I had always usedRead on to obtain you started for the path to medical mastery. So, rather than $47,000 you are looking at an expense of $25,000 or so. Then this new doctor says all of the wrong things towards the patient, which results within the patient becoming angry or dissatisfied making use of their visit. The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) mandates that pharmacy technician graduates be certified before they venture into this career.  ​
-{{:​лекция_2._позиционные_системы_счисления.pdf|Текст лекции}} +Make out an inspection or money order to "Department of HealthStudies have demostrated when treated using a combination of quercetin and ultrasound at 20 k Hz for 1-minute durationskin and prostate cancers show a 90% mortality within ​days with no visible mortality of normal cellsPhishing could be the act of a hacker or individual using various means to obtain a computer user to disclose sensitive and personal specifics of themselvesTo stay certifiedthen you definitely need to develop a certain volume of periodic training creditsDoes someone need to become licensed to be a pharmacy technician.
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​50212051|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​50212050|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [1] - глава 2 +
- +
-==== Лекция 3. Представление отрицательных чисел в цифровой технике. Доплнительный код. ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​50612122|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​51076833|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [1] - глава 2 +
- +
-==== Лекция 4. Числа с плавающей точкой ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52000295|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52000294|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [2, 11 - параграф 13.2.2] +
- +
-==== Лекция 5. Порты ввода/​вывода ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52001051|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52000538|часть 2]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52001050|часть 3]] +
- +
-{{:​лекция_5._порты_ввода-вывода_atmega16.pdf|Материалы лекции и соответствующих семинаров}} +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7, 8, 9] +
- +
-==== Лекция 6. Архитектура фон Неймана ==== +
- +
-{{:​лекция_6._архитектура_фон_неймана.ppt|Слайды с лекции}} +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454691|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454690|часть 2]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454689|часть 3]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [12, 10 - стр. 177 "​Основные идеи отчетов фон Неймана"+
- +
-==== Лекция 7Архитектура фон Неймана-2, История дисциплины программирования. Структурное программирование ==== +
-{{:​лекция_7._основы_программирования.pdf|Текст лекции}} +
- +
-Видео: [[http://​vimeo.com/​52454691|часть ​1]], [[http://​vimeo.com/​52454690|часть 2]], [[http://​vimeo.com/​52454689|часть 3]] +
- +
-==== Лекция 8. Стек, вызовы функций,​ соглашения о вызовах функций ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52926604|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52926603|часть 2]] +
- +
-==== Лекция 9. Стек, вызовы функций,​ соглашения о вызовах функций ​2 ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[|часть 1]][[|часть ​2]] +
- +
- +
- +
-==== Домашние задания и лабораторные работы ==== +
- +
-[[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheet/​ccc?​key=0AqGflhHDAutudEJ0WDUzUlpxZ0pVaVpaR2FZM0k0Wnc#​gid=0|Защиты ЛР и ДЗ]] +
- +
-{{:​требования_к_оформлению_и_защитам_дз_лр.pdf|Требования к оформлению и защитам ДЗЛР}} +
- +
-ДЗ №1. Варианты {{:​дз_1_-_2012.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №3. Варианты {{:​дз_3_-_2012.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №4. Варианты {{:​дз_4_-_2012._for_while_proc_array.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №5. Персональные задания {{:​two_s_complement_and_ieee754.zip|}} +
- +
-==== Литература ==== +
-  - {{:​дж.уэйкерли_проектирование_цифр.устр._м2002_1048c.djvu|}} +
-  - Перевод стандарта IEEE-754 http://​www.softelectro.ru/​ieee754.html +
-  - {{:​керниган_ричи_язык_c.pdf|}} +
-  - {{:​c99.pdf|Стандарт языка C (1999)}} +
-  - Абрамян М.Э. 1000 задач по программированию:​ {{:​абрамян_м.э._-_1000_задач_по_программированию._ч._i.pdf|часть 1}}, {{:​абрамян_м.э._-_1000_задач_по_программированию._ч._ii.pdf|часть 2}} +
-  - {{:​doc2466.pdf|Фирменная документация ATMega16 - есть примеры кода}} +
-  - {{:​евстфиеев_tiny_mega_2008.pdf|}} +
-  - {{:​шпак_ю.а._программирование_на_языке_с_для_avr_и_pic.djvu|}} +
-  - {{:​тарасов_южанин.pdf|Тарасов О.В., Южанин В.В., Методические указания по курсу "​Микропроцессоры в системах автоматизации"​}}  +
-  - {{:​apokin_i_a_maystrov_l_e_razvitie_vychislitelnyh_mashin.djvu|}} +
-  - {{:​ifeachor.djvu|}} +
-  - [[http://​habrahabr.ru/​post/​80334/​|Аналитическая машина Бэббиджа (habrahabr.ru)]]+
start.txt · Последние изменения: 2024/03/17 21:54 — v.yuzhanin