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start [2012/11/06 18:53]
start [2014/03/26 01:08]
vaniao64siogrde This is simply my profile webpage. Hope noone minds.
Строка 1: Строка 1:
-====== Микропроцессоры в системах автоматизации 2012 ======+But gaining information concerning the pharmacy is the top thing to do prior to deciding to shop, through useful online pharmacy reviews. Facilitating this use of modern day medicine is the full time career of several graduates using a degree in pharmacy. The jury in the court case found Walgreens responsible,​ and awarded family members 21 million dollars, but the pharmacist responsible for the error still works at a nearby Walgreens, and is also the pharmacy manager.
-===== Лекции ===== +http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/​pictures/​70000/​nahled/​bryle-dioptricke.jpg Buying in bulk via a Canadian drugstore internet pharmacy is the very best option since you don't ought to go back on the doctor in such little time. One just need to follow some simple steps to buy medicine out there pharmacies.  ​
-==== Лекция 1Вводная ====+
-Видео: ​[[https://vimeo.com/​49693735|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​49693736|часть 2]]+Unless you have a wealthy benefactor, you'll likely have to take out a lot of student education loans. Basically, you do not want to have the medicine of the same ingredients of other company that the physician doesn'​t prescribe. Most pharmaceutical manufacturers offer discount codes for their products which enable it to provide savings all the way to $50 a month for certain prescription drugs. People with liver disease should avoid drugs metabolized with the liver. They are always searching for employees so  ​[[http://oxazepam-genericyaz.soup.io|generic oxazepam]] when more of these businesses open during the entire united statesgreater pharmacy technician jobs become available 
-==== Лекция 2Позиционные системы счисления ====+Qwikster (DVD rentals by mail) will likely offer customers to be able to order favorite games for PS3, Wii and Xbox, however, Hasting indicates in his apology this will probably be an "​upgrade"​ similar to when they added the power for DVD customers to order movies on Blu-rayThis particular service provides numerous advantages you might not exactly even knew existed. Most computer oriented companies hire programmers according to competencies;​ hence, when they cannot find the best candidate from local sources, additionally,​ they consider outsourcing the position to foreign countries. Our Pharmacy strictly compliance with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) policies for delivering the medication form of hosting use. FDA and legal experts make an effort to keep check for the medicines and shipments for all.  ​
-{{:​лекция_2._позиционные_системы_счисления.pdf|Текст лекции}}+2 million such subscribers,​ down through the previous forecast of 3 millionThis whole process takes roughly about 10-15 minutes, depending on how many prescriptions you have and how busy it's, along with any conditions may occur. Reebok is famous for making athletic porducts for guys, women and children. Internet is of great help that allow the people to perform any work, even buy medicine online. Step #3: Enroll inside the Beauty Club   When you register, you obtain enrollment for the exclusive Beauty Club that you earn ECBs on qualifying bath and body goods worth $50 or maybe more 
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​50212051|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​50212050|часть 2]] +But you need to keep in mind that its not all online schools are necessarily accredited institutionsIt is important to keep the junk email filter up-to-date to allow Outlook in blocking pharmacy spam on Microsoft OutlookIn this articlewe are going to cover the potential risk of opening e-mail attachments in operation environments--but let's first find out what could be the global spam threat report by security vendorMessage ​LabsThereforeif you happen to be dedicated in this careeryou are going to emphatically bask the career'​s long-term benefitsThe intent behind implementing these forms of courses in the curriculum is usually to encourage future technicians being actively involved in community matters and also to stay up-to-date with social conditions affect their local communities.
- +
-Литература:​ [1] глава 2 +
- +
-==== Лекция 3. Представление отрицательных чисел в цифровой технике. Дополнительный код. ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​50612122|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​51076833|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [1] глава 2 +
- +
-==== Лекция 4Числа с плавающей точкой ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52000295|часть 1]][[https://​vimeo.com/​52000294|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [2, 11 параграф 13.2.2] +
- +
-==== Лекция 5. Порты ввода/​вывода ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52001051|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52000538|часть 2]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52001050|часть 3]] +
- +
-{{:​лекция_5._порты_ввода-вывода_atmega16.pdf|Материалы лекции и соответствующих семинаров}} +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7, 8, 9] +
- +
-==== Лекция 6. Архитектура фон Неймана ==== +
- +
-{{:​лекция_6._архитектура_фон_неймана.ppt|Слайды с лекции}} +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454691|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454690|часть 2]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454689|часть 3]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [12, 10 - стр. 177 "​Основные идеи отчетов фон Неймана"​] +
- +
-==== Лекция 7. Архитектура фон Неймана-2История дисциплины программирования. Структурное программирование ==== +
-{{:​лекция_7._основы_программирования.pdf|Текст лекции}} +
- +
-Видео: [[http://​vimeo.com/​52454691|часть 1]], [[http://​vimeo.com/​52454690|часть 2]], [[http://​vimeo.com/​52454689|часть 3]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [10 стр177 "​Основные идеи отчетов фон Неймана"​+
- +
- +
-==== Лекция 8. Стеквызовы функций,​ соглашения о вызовах функций ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52926604|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52926603|часть 2]] +
- +
-==== Лекция 9. Стек, вызовы функций,​ соглашения о вызовах функций ​2 ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52929635|Вся лекция]] +
- +
- +
- +
-==== Домашние задания и лабораторные работы ==== +
- +
-[[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheet/​ccc?​key=0AqGflhHDAutudEJ0WDUzUlpxZ0pVaVpaR2FZM0k0Wnc#​gid=0|Защиты ЛР и ДЗ]] +
- +
-{{:​требования_к_оформлению_и_защитам_дз_лр.pdf|Требования к оформлению и защитам ДЗ, ЛР}} +
- +
-ДЗ №1. Варианты {{:дз_1_-_2012.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №3. Варианты {{:​дз_3_-_2012.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №4. Варианты {{:​дз_4_-_2012._for_while_proc_array.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №5. Персональные задания {{:​two_s_complement_and_ieee754.zip|}} +
- +
-==== Литература ==== +
-  - {{:​дж.уэйкерли_проектирование_цифр.устр._м2002_1048c.djvu|Уэйкерли Д. Проектирование цифровых устройств}} +
-  - Перевод стандарта IEEE-754 http://​www.softelectro.ru/​ieee754.html +
-  - {{:​керниган_ричи_язык_c.pdf|}} +
-  - {{:​c99.pdf|Стандарт языка C (1999)}} +
-  - Абрамян М.Э. 1000 задач по программированию:​ {{:​абрамян_м.э._-_1000_задач_по_программированию._ч._i.pdf|часть 1}}, {{:​абрамян_м.э._-_1000_задач_по_программированию._ч._ii.pdf|часть 2}} +
-  - {{:​doc2466.pdf|Фирменная документация ATMega16 - есть примеры кода}} +
-  - {{:​евстфиеев_tiny_mega_2008.pdf|Евстифеев А.В. Микроконтроллеры AVR семейств Tiny и Mega фирмы ATMEL}} +
-  - {{:​шпак_ю.а._программирование_на_языке_с_для_avr_и_pic.djvu|Шпак Ю.А. Программирование на языке С для AVR и PIC микроконтроллеров}} +
-  - {{:​тарасов_южанин.pdf|Тарасов О.В., Южанин В.В., Методические указания по курсу "​Микропроцессоры в системах автоматизации"​}}  +
-  - {{:​apokin_i_a_maystrov_l_e_razvitie_vychislitelnyh_mashin.djvu|Апокин И.А., Майстров Л.Е. История вычислительной техники}} +
-  - {{:​ifeachor.djvu|Айфичер Э., Джервис Б. Цифровая обработка сигналов:​ практический подход}} +
-  - [[http://​habrahabr.ru/​post/​80334/​|Аналитическая машина Бэббиджа (habrahabr.ru)]] +
-  ​[[http://​chernykh.net/​content/​view/​200/​212/​|История языков программирования]]+
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