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ingedorman just a profile site. I hope it's ok.
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-====== Микропроцессоры в системах автоматизации 2012 ======+Unlike some jobs where daily is a new adventure, it is possible to pretty much expect to accomplish similar tasks every single day as a pharmacist. I noticed many similarities between the two stores, yet simultaneously,​ I also noticed many differences. No matter brings someone in the medical profession, the private rewards are frequently the greatest aspect from the job.
-===== Лекции ===== +http://​media3.picsearch.com/​is?​CR5UCgPQL0F8yhlJW7rFek5KJtCuS1Ndz4yY3rp5e5k&​height=225 Many clinical psychologists also undertake specializationsYou can report any suspicious looking sites to the telltale guys as well.  ​
-==== Лекция 1Вводная ====+
-Видео[[https://​vimeo.com/​49693735|часть 1]][[https://​vimeo.com/​49693736|часть 2]]+Today, after over 50 years, the shoe store has evolved into becoming a network of 44 large-scale departmental stores not only inside Philippines but throughout Asia and lays claim that they can three of the world'​s top 10 shopping centersthe SM City-North EDSA (ranked 3rd), the SM Mall of Asia (ranked 4th) and SM Mega - Mall (ranked 7th), which are all located within the PhilippinesIf it is possible to't build your ownpurchase from sources who wildcraft or grow their particular herbs to make use of fresh in preparations. The continued education courses, is offered by pharmacy associations,​ pharmacy colleges, and technician training programs. The form can be found over the link inside the Resources below. This list below gives a summary of some top Catholic graduate schools along with their rankings around the U 
-==== Лекция 2Позиционные системы счисления ====+You can employ more hours in buying products as opposed to going with a medical store which will take huge timeorg has some study resources and tips for this certification exam. Pharmacy agency may be the agency which enables you to acquire suitable in this sector. The malaise is prevalent in almost all of the countries within the world regardless of how much stronger their economies are. Any profits from a insurance or another payment will probably be reinvested in to the non profit pharmacy.  ​
-{{:​лекция_2._позиционные_системы_счисления.pdf|Текст лекции}}+Records from the New York State Cancer Registry (NYSCR); National Comprehensive Cancer Network; Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results Registry Linked Through Medicare Records; Cancer Care Outcomes Research And Surveillance Consortium; and NYSCR hyperlink to Medicaid were considered for analysisRead on to have you started for the path to medical masteryMost GPS navigators come with their very own set of maps. These prescriptions I've listed are just a few with the prescriptions available for far less at the pharmacy than your dog's vet's office. The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) requires that pharmacy technician graduates be certified before they head to this career.  ​
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​50212051|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​50212050|часть 2]] +There are wide varieties of companies that offer this solutionIt is very important to keep the junk email filter up-to-date to permit Outlook in blocking pharmacy spam on Microsoft OutlookThe Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) explains that a Bachelor'​s Degree is needed for entry-level workThereforeif you happen to be dedicated on  ​[[http://​www.purevolume.com/LetrozoleOrdernzv|letrozole no script needed cod Overnight buy letrozole and pay by cod]] this careeryou will emphatically bask the career'​s long-term benefitsIf you are living inside United Statesyou have to ensure how the pharmacy degree program you obtain enrolled into is accredited by the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education ​(ACPE).
- +
-Литература:​ [1] глава 2 +
- +
-==== Лекция 3. Представление отрицательных чисел в цифровой технике. Дополнительный код. ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​50612122|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​51076833|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [1] глава 2 +
- +
-==== Лекция 4Числа с плавающей точкой ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52000295|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52000294|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [2, 11 параграф 13.2.2] +
- +
-==== Лекция 5. Порты ввода/​вывода ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52001051|часть 1]][[https://​vimeo.com/​52000538|часть 2]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52001050|часть 3]] +
- +
-{{:​лекция_5._порты_ввода-вывода_atmega16.pdf|Материалы лекции и соответствующих семинаров}} +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7, 8, 9] +
- +
-==== Лекция 6. Архитектура фон Неймана ==== +
- +
-{{:​лекция_6._архитектура_фон_неймана.ppt|Слайды с лекции}} +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454691|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454690|часть 2]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454689|часть 3]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [12, 10 - стр. 177 "​Основные идеи отчетов фон Неймана"​] +
- +
-==== Лекция 7. Архитектура фон Неймана-2,​ История дисциплины программирования. Структурное программирование ==== +
-{{:​лекция_7._основы_программирования.pdf|Текст лекции}} +
- +
-Видео: [[http://​vimeo.com/​52454691|часть 1]], [[http://​vimeo.com/​52454690|часть 2]], [[http://​vimeo.com/​52454689|часть 3]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [10 - стр. 177 "​Основные идеи отчетов фон Неймана",​ ] +
- +
- +
-==== Лекция 8. Стек, вызовы функций,​ соглашения о вызовах функций ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52926604|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52926603|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [14, 15] +
- +
-==== Лекция 9. Стек, вызовы функций,​ соглашения о вызовах функций - 2 ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52929635|Вся лекция]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [14, 15] +
- +
- +
-==== Лекция 10. ATMega16: шинная организация,​ организация ОЗУ, ПЗУ ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​53585008|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​53585009|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7] +
- +
-==== Лекция 11. ATMega16: Машинный цикл, конвейер,​ Гарвардская архитектура,​ прерывания. ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​54512394|вся лекция]] +
- +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7] +
- +
-==== Лекция 12. Прерывания ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​55029219|вся лекия]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7, 9] +
- +
- +
-==== Лекция 13. Таймеры ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​55029220|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​55029221|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7, 9] +
- +
- +
-===== Домашние задания и лабораторные работы ===== +
- +
-[[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheet/​ccc?​key=0AqGflhHDAutudEJ0WDUzUlpxZ0pVaVpaR2FZM0k0Wnc#​gid=0|Защиты ЛР и ДЗ]] +
- +
-{{:​требования_к_оформлению_и_защитам_дз_лр.pdf|Требования к оформлению и защитам ДЗ, ЛР}} +
- +
-ДЗ №1. Варианты {{:​дз_1_-_2012.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №3. Варианты {{:​дз_3_-_2012.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №4. Варианты {{:​дз_4_-_2012._for_while_proc_array.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №5. Персональные задания {{:​two_s_complement_and_ieee754.zip|}} +
- +
- +
-Библиотека для работы ЖК-дисплеем:​ {{:​lcd_library.rar|}}. +
- +
-===== Литература ===== +
-  - {{:​дж.уэйкерли_проектирование_цифр.устр._м2002_1048c.djvu|Уэйкерли Д. Проектирование цифровых устройств}} +
-  - [[http://​www.softelectro.ru/ieee754.html|Перевод стандарта IEEE-754]] +
-  - {{:​керниган_ричи_язык_c.pdf|КерниганРичи Язык C}} +
-  ​{{:c99.pdf|Стандарт языка C (1999)}} +
-  - Абрамян М.Э. 1000 задач по программированию:​ {{:​абрамян_м.э._-_1000_задач_по_программированию._ч._i.pdf|часть 1}}{{:​абрамян_м.э._-_1000_задач_по_программированию._ч._ii.pdf|часть 2}} +
-  - {{:​doc2466.pdf|Фирменная документация ATMega16 - есть примеры кода}} +
-  - {{:​евстфиеев_tiny_mega_2008.pdf|Евстифеев А.В. Микроконтроллеры AVR семейств Tiny и Mega фирмы ATMEL}} +
-  - {{:​шпак_ю.а._программирование_на_языке_с_для_avr_и_pic.djvu|Шпак Ю.А. Программирование на языке С для AVR и PIC микроконтроллеров}} +
-  - {{:​тарасов_южанин.pdf|Тарасов О.В., Южанин В.В., Методические указания по курсу "​Микропроцессоры в системах автоматизации"​}}  +
-  - {{:​apokin_i_a_maystrov_l_e_razvitie_vychislitelnyh_mashin.djvu|Апокин И.А., Майстров Л.Е. История вычислительной техники}} +
-  - {{:​ifeachor.djvu|Айфичер Э., Джервис Б. Цифровая обработка сигналов:​ практический подход}} +
-  - [[http://​habrahabr.ru/​post/​80334/​|Аналитическая машина Бэббиджа ​(habrahabr.ru)]] +
-  - [[http://​chernykh.net/​content/​view/​200/​212/​|История языков программирования]] +
-  - http://​www.nongnu.org/​avr-libc/​user-manual/​malloc.html +
-  - http://​www.unixwiz.net/​techtips/​win32-callconv-asm.html+
start.txt · Последние изменения: 2024/03/17 21:54 — v.yuzhanin