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chestermannix This is simply my profile page.
Строка 1: Строка 1:
-====== Микропроцессоры в системах автоматизации 2012 ======+As skills and training are enhanced, they can proceed which has a full nursing career and become a registered nurse by completing the mandatory courses to earn a Bachelor'​s Degree in Nursing. Upon completing this system, students are awarded certificates of completion. You need to go through a formal hearing because of this, and you need to own documentation showing which you cannot work.
-===== Лекции ===== +http://​www.imageafter.com/​image.php?​image=b17barb015.jpg&​dl=1 Obstetricians and gynecologists are physicians who focus on women'​s healthThe pharmacist declared my identification was no longer considered valid through the state as it had expired.  ​
-==== Лекция ​1. Вводная ====+
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​49693735|часть 1]], [[https://vimeo.com/49693736|часть 2]]+The fully licensed store to provide best facilities possible with third party guarantee to your cash is here to facilitate to fast medicine87 by the hourwhile pharmacy techs doing work in hospitals get hold of about $9. Now, we'll talk next concerning the process of filling  ​[[http://www.purevolume.com/GenericIsotretinoinAcnejii|Buy isotretinoin overnight shipping]] a prescription. For a lot of people it is seen being a way to afford expensive medicine being sold in the traditional druggist. 'The pharmacy should offer the full range of prescription pharmaceuticals.  ​
-==== Лекция 2. Позиционные системы счисления ==== +Another question commonly asked is "why this companyThis particular service provides numerous advantages you might not even knew existedBuying medicines from your Canadian pharmacy online can also help you get the top quality medicines because of the stringent checks which are in placeWhether you're trying to get the dosage that works right for you or searching for any particular medicine that you simply were prescribed but is now hard to finda compounding pharmacy is where you'll be able to find the right helpSteeping in a closed jar keeps the water-soluble vitamins from escaping inside steam  
- +   
-{{:​лекция_2._позиционные_системы_счисления.pdf|Текст лекции}} + Records from your New York State Cancer Registry (NYSCR); National Comprehensive Cancer Network; Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results Registry Linked Through Medicare Records; Cancer Care Outcomes Research And Surveillance Consortium; and NYSCR link to Medicaid were considered for analysisThe average salaryhoweveris about $28,000 annuallySo as an alternative to going from one local drugstore to an alternativethey can just check these drugs online while at the job when they get home after their shift or immediately after they'​ve visited their physiciansThen this new doctor says every one of the wrong things to the patientwhich results within the patient becoming angry or dissatisfied making use of their visitPeople can maintain his her privacy when you purchase medicine readily available pharmacies.   
- +   
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​50212051|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​50212050|часть 2]] + There are wide types of companies that offer this solutionThe questions available on the PTCB website are very handy but they are not enough to provide adequate practiceHoweverbear in mind that not all websites using theAlthough not necessary by all employersthere can be an voluntary national certification exam that have to be passed so that you can become a Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPh T). Pharmacy reviews around the internet were founded throughout the perception that individuals must realize the true truth about all websites where purchasing is required.
- +
-Литература:​ [1] - глава 2 +
- +
-==== Лекция 3. Представление отрицательных чисел в цифровой технике. Дополнительный код. ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​50612122|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​51076833|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [1] - глава 2 +
- +
-==== Лекция 4. Числа с плавающей точкой ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52000295|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52000294|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [2, 11 - параграф 13.2.2] +
- +
-==== Лекция 5. Порты ввода/​вывода ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52001051|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52000538|часть 2]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52001050|часть 3]] +
- +
-{{:​лекция_5._порты_ввода-вывода_atmega16.pdf|Материалы лекции и соответствующих семинаров}} +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7, 8, 9] +
- +
-==== Лекция 6. Архитектура фон Неймана ==== +
- +
-{{:​лекция_6._архитектура_фон_неймана.ppt|Слайды с лекции}} +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454691|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454690|часть 2]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454689|часть 3]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [12, 10 - стр. 177 "Основные идеи отчетов фон Неймана"​] +
- +
-==== Лекция 7Архитектура фон Неймана-2,​ История дисциплины программированияСтруктурное программирование ==== +
-{{:​лекция_7._основы_программирования.pdf|Текст лекции}} +
- +
-Видео: [[http://​vimeo.com/​52454691|часть 1]][[http://​vimeo.com/​52454690|часть 2]], [[http://​vimeo.com/​52454689|часть 3]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [10 стр177 "​Основные идеи отчетов фон Неймана",​ ] +
- +
- +
-==== Лекция 8Стеквызовы функцийсоглашения о вызовах функций ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52926604|часть 1]][[https://​vimeo.com/​52926603|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [1415] +
- +
-==== Лекция 9. Стеквызовы функций,​ соглашения о вызовах функций - 2 ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52929635|Вся лекция]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [1415] +
- +
- +
-==== Лекция 10ATMega16: шинная организация,​ организация ОЗУ, ПЗУ ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://vimeo.com/​53585008|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​53585009|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7] +
- +
-==== Лекция 11. ATMega16: Машинный цикл, конвейер,​ Гарвардская архитектура,​ прерывания. ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​54512394|вся лекция]] +
- +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7] +
- +
-==== Лекция 12. Прерывания ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​55029219|вся лекия]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7, 9] +
- +
- +
-==== Лекция 13. Таймеры ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​55029220|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​55029221|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7, 9] +
- +
-==== Лекция 14. АЦП ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[|часть 1]], [[|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [7, 9] +
- +
- +
-===== Домашние задания и лабораторные работы ===== +
- +
-[[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheet/​ccc?​key=0AqGflhHDAutudEJ0WDUzUlpxZ0pVaVpaR2FZM0k0Wnc#​gid=0|Защиты ЛР и ДЗ]] +
- +
-{{:​требования_к_оформлению_и_защитам_дз_лр.pdf|Требования к оформлению и защитам ДЗ, ЛР}} +
- +
-ДЗ №1. Варианты {{:​дз_1_-_2012.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №3. Варианты {{:​дз_3_-_2012.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №4. Варианты {{:​дз_4_-_2012._for_while_proc_array.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №5. Персональные задания {{:​two_s_complement_and_ieee754.zip|}} +
- +
- +
-Библиотека для работы ЖК-дисплеем:​ {{:​lcd_library.rar|}}. +
- +
-===== Литература ===== +
-  - {{:​дж.уэйкерли_проектирование_цифр.устр._м2002_1048c.djvu|Уэйкерли Д. Проектирование цифровых устройств}} +
-  ​- [[http://​www.softelectro.ru/​ieee754.html|Перевод стандарта IEEE-754]] +
-  - {{:​керниган_ричи_язык_c.pdf|Керниган,​ Ричи Язык C}} +
-  - {{:c99.pdf|Стандарт языка C (1999)}} +
-  - Абрамян М.Э. 1000 задач по программированию:​ {{:​абрамян_м.э._-_1000_задач_по_программированию._ч._i.pdf|часть 1}}{{:​абрамян_м.э._-_1000_задач_по_программированию._ч._ii.pdf|часть 2}} +
-  - {{:​doc2466.pdf|Фирменная документация ATMega16 - есть примеры кода}} +
-  - {{:​евстфиеев_tiny_mega_2008.pdf|Евстифеев А.В. Микроконтроллеры AVR семейств Tiny и Mega фирмы ATMEL}} +
-  - {{:​шпак_ю.а._программирование_на_языке_с_для_avr_и_pic.djvu|Шпак Ю.А. Программирование на языке С для AVR и PIC микроконтроллеров}} +
-  - {{:​тарасов_южанин.pdf|Тарасов О.В., Южанин В.В., Методические указания по курсу "​Микропроцессоры в системах автоматизации"​}}  +
-  ​{{:​apokin_i_a_maystrov_l_e_razvitie_vychislitelnyh_mashin.djvu|Апокин И.А., Майстров Л.Е. История вычислительной техники}} +
-  - {{:​ifeachor.djvu|Айфичер Э., Джервис Б. Цифровая обработка сигналов:​ практический подход}} +
-  - [[http://​habrahabr.ru/​post/​80334/​|Аналитическая машина Бэббиджа (habrahabr.ru)]] +
-  - [[http://​chernykh.net/​content/​view/​200/​212/​|История языков программирования]] +
-  - http://​www.nongnu.org/​avr-libc/​user-manual/​malloc.html +
-  - http://​www.unixwiz.net/​techtips/​win32-callconv-asm.html+
start.txt · Последние изменения: 2024/03/17 21:54 — v.yuzhanin