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start [2012/12/19 11:23]
v.yuzhanin [Материалы семинаров]
start [2014/03/26 00:37]
arron6950sokh just my profile webpage.
Строка 1: Строка 1:
-====== Микропроцессоры в системах автоматизации 2012 ======+The same clerk always waited on me and in time she would greet me by name and automatically retrieve my prescriptions when she saw me walking toward the counter.
-===== Лекции ===== +http://​media3.picsearch.com/​is?​jtWSN2TZ7iKAJIcutfh-KCQh4mPecveqfecDAtla3h0&​height=221 They maintain small class sizes in order that each student receives every one of the personal attention that is needed to succeed in the highest levelA pharmacy, whether in a retail environment or setup exclusively to provide supplies with a medical facility, has to follow certain rules. Many clinical psychologists also undertake specializations. You can report any suspicious looking sites to those guys as well.  ​
-==== Лекция 1Вводная ====+
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​49693735|часть 1]][[https://vimeo.com/​49693736|часть 2]]+We'll try healthy to explain it for your requirements,​ but sometimes we don't even understand itAs a techyou need to balance patience and professionalism,​ reliability , be able to communicate effectively and demonstrate strong interpersonal skills when confronted with clients, sick patients, doctors and insurance companies. The generic medicine is the medicine that is certainly working within the similar way with a similar strength, power; dose, healing capacity etc include the same. you only have to be 18 to become listed on Ameri - Corps, and you also have an option$4,750 a year toward education loans OR toward tuition should you haven'​t yet attended college. 'The pharmacy should offer an entire range of prescription pharmaceuticals 
-==== Лекция 2Позиционные системы счисления ====+It is possible for any non-certified pharmacy technician to earn over $12 to $14 an hour or so in some cases depending for the company, but it's rare that salary would go higherOne with the leading professionals inside the health care division would be the pharmacy technicians. Some Big Pharmas even produce both generic and brand-name ​ [[http://​dendaihikibeki.Proboards.com|purchase Glucotrol XL best price]] drugs. A pharmacy tech's work setting can determine their earnings. The wily old pharmacy owner knew that the people, who were only available in to his pharmacy, were there to purchase prescription drugs or any other pharmacy related products only.  ​
-{{:​лекция_2._позиционные_системы_счисления.pdf|Текст лекции}}+On one other hand, if you're applying to some chain your chances are greaterWhen you are ready to don that crisp white coat, be aware that it becomes your duty for everyone your customers ' many of whom will be visiting you under stressful circumstances ' with a smile on your own face and kindness with your heartDuring some time allowed for each and every subtest, you will be permitted to function only on that section. Thus, those those who can afford to pay extra money and will have a chance to purchase from all of these sites isn't the only privilege but additionally a way to get good service from your company of the choice. When your prospect is engaged and thinking, it is easy to positively influence them to see the value you give their business.  ​
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​50212051|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​50212050|часть 2]] +But you want to keep in mind that not all online schools are necessarily accredited institutionsIt is essential to keep the junk email filter up-to-date to allow Outlook in blocking pharmacy spam on Microsoft OutlookSome have medical plans which could pay for their medication but large deductibles and co-paysThereforeif you're dedicated in this careeryou will emphatically bask the career'​s long-term benefitsPharmacy reviews around the internet were founded around the perception that individuals must realize the real truth about all websites where purchasing is required.
- +
-Литература:​ [1] глава 2 +
- +
-==== Лекция 3. Представление отрицательных чисел в цифровой технике. Дополнительный код. ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​50612122|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​51076833|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [1] глава 2 +
- +
-==== Лекция 4Числа с плавающей точкой ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52000295|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52000294|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [2, 11 параграф 13.2.2] +
- +
-==== Лекция 5. Порты ввода/​вывода ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52001051|часть 1]][[https://​vimeo.com/​52000538|часть 2]][[https://​vimeo.com/​52001050|часть 3]] +
- +
-{{:​лекция_5._порты_ввода-вывода_atmega16.pdf|Материалы лекции и соответствующих семинаров}} +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7, 8, 9] +
- +
-==== Лекция 6. Архитектура фон Неймана ==== +
- +
-{{:​лекция_6._архитектура_фон_неймана.ppt|Слайды с лекции}} +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454691|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454690|часть 2]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52454689|часть 3]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [12, 10 - стр. 177 "​Основные идеи отчетов фон Неймана"​] +
- +
-==== Лекция 7. Архитектура фон Неймана-2,​ История дисциплины программирования. Структурное программирование ==== +
-{{:​лекция_7._основы_программирования.pdf|Текст лекции}} +
- +
-Видео: [[http://​vimeo.com/​52454691|часть 1]], [[http://​vimeo.com/​52454690|часть 2]], [[http://​vimeo.com/​52454689|часть 3]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [10 - стр. 177 "​Основные идеи отчетов фон Неймана",​ ] +
- +
- +
-==== Лекция 8. Стек, вызовы функций,​ соглашения о вызовах функций ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52926604|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​52926603|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [14, 15] +
- +
-==== Лекция 9. Стек, вызовы функций,​ соглашения о вызовах функций - 2 ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​52929635|Вся лекция]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [14, 15] +
- +
- +
-==== Лекция 10. ATMega16: шинная организация,​ организация ОЗУ, ПЗУ ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​53585008|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​53585009|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7] +
- +
-==== Лекция 11. ATMega16: Машинный цикл, конвейер,​ Гарвардская архитектура,​ прерывания. ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​54512394|вся лекция]] +
- +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7] +
- +
-==== Лекция 12. Прерывания ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​55029219|вся лекия]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7, 9] +
- +
-==== Лекция 13. Таймеры ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[https://​vimeo.com/​55029220|часть 1]], [[https://​vimeo.com/​55029221|часть 2]] +
- +
-Слайды по таймерам:​ {{:​лекция_13._таймеры.ppt|}} +
- +
-Литература:​ [6, 7, 9] +
- +
-==== Лекция 14. АЦП ==== +
- +
-Видео: [[|часть 1]], [[|часть 2]] +
- +
-Литература:​ [7, 9] +
- +
-==== Материалы семинаров ==== +
- +
-{{:​семинар_кнопки_пид_.rar|Код обработка кнопок на примере управления режимами ПИД-регулятора}} +
- +
-{{:​test_lcd.rar|Код работы с ЖК-дисплеем}} +
- +
-{{:​seminar_timers.rar|Код работы с таймером}} +
- +
-===== Домашние задания и лабораторные работы ===== +
- +
-[[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheet/​ccc?​key=0AqGflhHDAutudEJ0WDUzUlpxZ0pVaVpaR2FZM0k0Wnc#​gid=0|Защиты ЛР и ДЗ]] +
- +
-{{:​требования_к_оформлению_и_защитам_дз_лр.pdf|Требования к оформлению и защитам ДЗ, ЛР}} +
- +
-ДЗ №1. Варианты {{:​дз_1_-_2012.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №3. Варианты {{:​дз_3_-_2012.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №4. Варианты {{:​дз_4_-_2012._for_while_proc_array.xlsx|}} +
- +
-ДЗ №5. Персональные задания {{:​two_s_complement_and_ieee754.zip|}} +
- +
- +
-Библиотека для работы ЖК-дисплеем:​ {{:​lcd_library.rar|}}. +
- +
-===== Литература ===== +
-  - {{:​дж.уэйкерли_проектирование_цифр.устр._м2002_1048c.djvu|Уэйкерли Д. Проектирование цифровых устройств}} +
-  - [[http://​www.softelectro.ru/​ieee754.html|Перевод стандарта IEEE-754]] +
-  - {{:​керниган_ричи_язык_c.pdf|Керниган,​ Ричи Язык C}} +
-  - {{:​c99.pdf|Стандарт языка C (1999)}} +
-  - Абрамян М.Э. 1000 задач по программированию:​ {{:​абрамян_м.э._-_1000_задач_по_программированию._ч._i.pdf|часть 1}}, {{:​абрамян_м.э._-_1000_задач_по_программированию._ч._ii.pdf|часть 2}} +
-  - {{:​doc2466.pdf|Фирменная документация ATMega16 - есть примеры кода}} +
-  - {{:​евстфиеев_tiny_mega_2008.pdf|Евстифеев А.В. Микроконтроллеры AVR семейств Tiny и Mega фирмы ATMEL}} +
-  - {{:​шпак_ю.а._программирование_на_языке_с_для_avr_и_pic.djvu|Шпак Ю.А. Программирование на языке С для AVR и PIC микроконтроллеров}} +
-  - {{:​тарасов_южанин.pdf|Тарасов О.В., Южанин В.В., Методические указания по курсу "​Микропроцессоры в системах автоматизации"​}}  +
-  - {{:​apokin_i_a_maystrov_l_e_razvitie_vychislitelnyh_mashin.djvu|Апокин И.А., Майстров Л.Е. История вычислительной техники}} +
-  - {{:​ifeachor.djvu|Айфичер Э., Джервис Б. Цифровая обработка сигналов:​ практический подход}} +
-  - [[http://​habrahabr.ru/​post/​80334/​|Аналитическая машина Бэббиджа (habrahabr.ru)]] +
-  - [[http://​chernykh.net/​content/​view/​200/​212/​|История языков программирования]] +
-  - http://​www.nongnu.org/​avr-libc/​user-manual/​malloc.html +
-  - http://​www.unixwiz.net/​techtips/​win32-callconv-asm.html+
start.txt · Последние изменения: 2024/03/17 21:54 — v.yuzhanin